Exploratory Graphs and Correlations

Michael Brown/ January 11, 2017/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

To identify an appropriate subsample for analysis, we are going to use exploratory graphs to visually sort through the data. This is one approach that will be supplemented by a measure of interdependence called correlation. A correlation coefficient measures the linear dependence between two variables; in our case, tuition revenue and instructional expenditure per student. First, let’s consider the graph

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ASHE16: Joined, Maintained and Abandoned

Michael Brown/ October 24, 2016/ Talks/ 0 comments

The Changing Network Classroom learning networks are dynamic. They evolve over time, and reflect the agency of students to choose their partners and their level of engagement in coursework. The network in this study reflects that change. To observe the changing network over time, click here. In each period (between the start of the class and the first exam and between

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Blended Instructional Practice

Michael Brown/ June 30, 2016/ Publications/ 0 comments

My review of the empirical literature on instructors’ adoption and use of online tools in face-to-face teaching is available from  The Internet and Higher Education. The article will appear in the October issue of the journal. Highlights: •The empirical literature on face to face teaching with online tools in higher education is reviewed •Blended instructional practice is shaped by internal

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The What and the When @ LAK 2016

Michael Brown/ May 14, 2016/ Talks/ 0 comments

I recently presented at LAK 16 in Edinburgh on work from the LED Lab at Michigan. Using data from our early warning system for academic advisors, we identified curricular and disciplinary roadblocks encountered by students in the first year of undergraduate education. You can read the full paper in the conference proceedings through ACM’s digital library. Meghan Oster  and Matt Pistilli

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Identity Work on Social Network Sites

Michael Brown/ April 30, 2016/ Publications/ 0 comments

My article with Tsubasa Morioka and Nicole Ellison about working class youths’ self presentation on social media during the first year of college is available through the ACM Digital Library. Abstract: Prior research suggests that some social media practices can play a role in shaping students’ adjustment to college; however, the specific mechanisms by which social media can support the

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Forthcoming: College Acces, Social Media, and Working Class Youth in Computers & Ed

Michael Brown/ December 1, 2015/ Publications/ 0 comments

Nicole Ellison, D.Y. Wohn, and I have a piece forthcoming in the January issue of Computers & Education about the information seeking behavior of working class youth from urban and rural communities as they explore their post-secondary options. The whole article is worth reading (really!), but in brief: Low-income youth are adept at accessing information about college through social media

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